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NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer

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NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer Empty NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer

Post  Billyvan Sat 20 Jul - 12:17

I have 5 Crown Lynn NZ Army Egg Cups (CHCH Earthquakes claimed my 6th) and one saucer that seems to fit the egg cup.
Was it normal for Crown Lynn to pair a saucer with egg cups?

NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer 20190712
NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer 20190713
NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer 20190714
NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer 20190715
NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer 20190716


Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2019-07-08

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NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer Empty Re: NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer

Post  Ev Sat 20 Jul - 13:12

Hi there, the saucer looks like a demitasse saucer
and it would go with one of these little cups that BrunoL posted ..

NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer Army_d10

I sometimes see the egg cups sitting on a matching butter dish.

Really you could use a saucer if you wanted to, as it would help to keep the egg cup stable.

Number of posts : 17942
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer Empty Re: NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer

Post  Billyvan Sat 20 Jul - 13:29

Thanks Ev,

I have 3 other saucer sizes, but this one is much smaller than the others.

Will keep an eye out for some of the little cups.


Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2019-07-08

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NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer Empty Re: NZ Army Egg Cup and Saucer

Post  BrunoL Thu 25 Jul - 13:38

Just building on Ev's reply (and building on Jeremy Ashford's research), it is likely the saucer you have (which looks to be in excellent condition) would most correctly match with the demitasse cup on the right (with the more solid looking handle) - though either style would look good.

Number of posts : 70
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2016-01-26

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