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Jill Hay has a five leaf mark

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Jill Hay has a five leaf mark Empty Jill Hay has a five leaf mark

Post  Ev Fri 26 Jul - 17:16

This beautifully crafted porcelain sip is decorated with lustres and is exquisite.
The 5 leaves have little indents at the top which are hard to capture as the mark is so tiny.

Tony Richardson showed me some of her work today and the petite little 5 leaf mark matched this piece.  Thank you so much Tony and OMG I love going to your marvellous museum where you live.  So exhilarating !!  

Jill Hay has a five leaf mark Hay_ji10

Jill Hay has a five leaf mark Hay_ji11

Number of posts : 18052
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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