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Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug

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Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug Empty Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug

Post  JanPots Mon 20 Jan - 8:52

Walk like an Egyptian ! on shape 1151 mug
I have not seen this pattern before.
I was feeling the mug to check that it wasn't a sticker as I've been caught out once before hahaha

The decal is the same on both sides and what looks like some Arabic writing - who can translate ?

Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug Dsc_8610
Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug Dsc_8611

Last edited by JanPots on Mon 20 Jan - 14:33; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 2149
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug Empty Re: Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug

Post  Ev Mon 20 Jan - 13:21

Gosh there are some Egyptian patterns in my records somewhere ...
Now I will have to find them !!!!
I will move this to the Tableware Patterns category

Number of posts : 17919
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug Empty Re: Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug

Post  JanPots Mon 20 Jan - 14:32

Did you want the pattern in the "no-names" gallery ? or wait to see if you find anything Smile

Number of posts : 2149
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug Empty Re: Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug

Post  Ev Mon 20 Jan - 14:36

Yes please to putting it the No Names Gallery Janice.
I will have to dig deeper as I have nothing saved under Egyptian.

Number of posts : 17919
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug Empty Re: Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug

Post  Ev Mon 20 Jan - 15:14

I see that Juliet Hawkins has Egyptian Scenes in her list of designs.
Not sure if this is one of them or not, but will keep looking

Number of posts : 17919
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug Empty Re: Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug

Post  JanPots Mon 20 Jan - 19:59

I saw she had done the plaque. ..

but I wondered if the arabic wording Is genuine and what it translates to.

I spent hours today scrolling through files till I was cross eyed. cyclops

Number of posts : 2149
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug Empty Re: Walk like an Egyptian on a Shape 1151 Mug

Post  JanPots Thu 23 Jan - 11:29

Further to another post I made,
My husband is working with a guy who is Arabic so I asked if he could shed some light on what the meaning of the Arabic looking words meant.

He laughed and said it means nothing as in, its just scribbles and shapes to look Arabic. So there you have it haha


Number of posts : 2149
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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