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Royal Grafton picture frame

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Royal Grafton picture frame Empty Royal Grafton picture frame

Post  Truffles Fri 7 Feb - 21:54

Just wondering if anyone could tell me if this was produced when Crown Lynn owned Royal Grafton. Is there a catalogue or record of items? Thanks.
Royal Grafton picture frame P1000912

Number of posts : 53
Registration date : 2020-02-07

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Royal Grafton picture frame Empty Re: Royal Grafton picture frame

Post  Ev Sat 8 Feb - 1:57

Hi and welcome to the site.
You can find the same Royal Grafton stamp that is on your photo frame, from the time it was owned by Ceramco in the Royal Grafton Gallery.

The Royal Grafton Gallery is building up as a catalogue of the work that was produced there at that time. I wasn't aware that they made photo frames, so it is good to know and I will add your photo of it to the Gallery.

Te Toi Uku has one catalogue of what was made during the 10 years that it was owned by Ceramco, but it is mostly Fine Bone China Dinnerware.

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Royal Grafton picture frame Empty Re: Royal Grafton picture frame

Post  Truffles Sat 8 Feb - 10:30

Thank you for the welcome Ev and your quick reply. I wasn't sure if this was a before, after or at the time backstamp for Grafton (Ceramco). Reading further info from here and your confirmation indicates that the frame is from Ceramco era. Your site is tremendous and an absolute wealth of information. Most appreciated.

Number of posts : 53
Registration date : 2020-02-07

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