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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery EmptyThu 7 Nov - 16:02 by kitsch

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery EmptyWed 6 Nov - 8:44 by Ev

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery EmptyTue 5 Nov - 17:13 by Shirley Wells

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery EmptyTue 5 Nov - 15:15 by Ev

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery EmptyTue 5 Nov - 15:09 by Ev

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery EmptyTue 5 Nov - 14:10 by Ev

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery EmptySun 3 Nov - 22:28 by MargaretB

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery EmptySun 3 Nov - 8:25 by Ev

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery EmptySat 2 Nov - 17:23 by JanPots

The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell? No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery Empty The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell? No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery

Post  Ev Tue 25 Feb - 8:54

I'm not sure and hope that someone out there knows her work and can identify this sweet teapot as her work.

Photos courtesy of the Ferret:

The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery Carmen10

The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery C_c_my10

Last edited by Ev on Mon 16 May - 10:06; edited 4 times in total

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery Empty Possible owner of this mark

Post  Mo McLean Mon 16 May - 5:51

Cam Coyle Pottery not sure how to add photo

Mo McLean

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2021-04-19

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery Empty Re: The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell? No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery

Post  Ev Mon 16 May - 7:03

Thank you so much!!

Can you please tell me where he was based?

You can email photos to the site on and I will post them for you. Cheers

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery Empty Cam Coyle Pottery

Post  Mo McLean Mon 16 May - 7:18

I have a white coffee pot on New Zealand studio pottery FB posted maybe 2 weeks back same mark but faint

Mo McLean

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2021-04-19

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery Empty Re: The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell? No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery

Post  Ev Mon 16 May - 7:26

Thank you so much and I found your post with the teapot that has a sticker!
Would I please be able to add that photo to this topic, as it is very relevant.
I enjoy your posts on Facebook.
Keep up the good work Very Happy

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery Empty Cam Coyle mark

Post  Mo McLean Mon 16 May - 7:31

Of course Ev not a problem

Mo McLean

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2021-04-19

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The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery Empty Re: The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell? No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery

Post  Ev Mon 16 May - 7:41

Many thanks to Mo McLean for letting us use their photos cheers
I am using the Coffee Pot photo even though the sticker is on another pot, to show her work Smile

The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery Coyle_10

The Ferret asks is the work of Carmen Campbell?  No it is by Joyce Coyle of Cam Coil Pottery Coyle10

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

Mo McLean likes this post

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