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» Shape 2 Vase in Use ...
Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics EmptyToday at 13:49 by Ev

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Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics EmptyYesterday at 16:55 by Tanya Matthews

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Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics EmptyYesterday at 7:31 by Ev

» Derek Cooper - Pots & Patches jardinière with cartoon bulls mark.
Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics EmptyFri 11 Oct - 16:26 by Ev

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Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics EmptyFri 11 Oct - 16:19 by Ev

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» Small straw coloured Ambrico Potty, Chamber Pot
Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics EmptyTue 8 Oct - 16:52 by Ev

» Crown Lynn 107, 586 and 806.2
Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics EmptyTue 8 Oct - 7:14 by Ev

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics

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Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Empty Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics

Post  Ev Mon 30 Mar - 11:51

Thank you for sharing these beautiful pots Rustics.
Are any of them by Nicholas's Mother, or are they still to come?

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Nichol10

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Nichol11

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Nichol12

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Nichol13

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Nichol14

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Nichol15

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Nichol16

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Nichol17

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Empty Nicholas Brandon marks

Post  Ev Fri 4 Sep - 13:42

Rustics has sent some Nicholas Brandon marks to the site, as he sees that there are some variations.

This is what he says:
A post at the beginning of the year,inquiring about Nicholas Brandon potters mark,and its similarity to another potters mark,becky.
I have provided a number of Nicholas marks from his works over some years,then cross referenced them with ,as far as i am aware ,the same mark but on half a dozen of nicks oringinal drawings dating back to 1962.I have noticed a variation in the B which is identical to the mark being asked about.
This variation is that the B looks expanded both left and right giving a letter 8 appearance.For interests sake i have provided a picture of the said drawings and marks.I hope this helps.

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Nichol18

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Nichol19

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Nichol20

Nicholas Brandon Pottery courtesy of Rustics Nichol21

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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