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Gibson & Paterson Jug

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Gibson & Paterson Jug Empty Gibson & Paterson Jug

Post  gloworm Sun 14 Jun - 12:22

Small Duraline Grindley ivory hotel ware jug
with reference Gibson & Paterson Australia & NZ

50 mm high

Gibson & Paterson Jug Gib_110
Gibson & Paterson Jug Gib_210
Gibson & Paterson Jug Gib_610

the shape seems identical to small Crown Lynn jug
I would appreciate any views on whether perhaps this is NZ Pottery, or a Crown Lynn connection

Number of posts : 70
Location : pacific
Registration date : 2012-04-13

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Gibson & Paterson Jug Empty Re: Gibson & Paterson Jug

Post  Ev Sun 14 Jun - 12:28

Hi gloworm, This is made by Grindley England.
It even has the date stamped on it in black.
Gibson & Paterson were a worldwide distributor of vitrified ware before Crown Lynn bought them in 1968.
Crown Lynn copied an enormous amount of shapes from England and this would be one of them I'm sure. Crown Lynn chose well.
That is the only connection I feel.

Number of posts : 17944
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Gibson & Paterson Jug Empty Re: Gibson & Paterson Jug

Post  gloworm Sun 14 Jun - 13:48

Maybe, a simple answer. Because Gibson & Paterson were manufacturers and there is a reference to Australia & NZ it could be that the item was made by Gibson & Paterson for Grindley. Either that or the hotelware was made in England for GibPat, though then there may have been a 'for' with the reference to Australia & NZ and Gib Pat. I may keep an open mind about this topic until more comes to light about the GibPat connection.

Number of posts : 70
Location : pacific
Registration date : 2012-04-13

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Gibson & Paterson Jug Empty Re: Gibson & Paterson Jug

Post  Ev Sun 14 Jun - 14:00

Gibson & Paterson were distributors not manufacturers. The manufacturer in this case was Grindley.
There is plenty of information on Google, that is where I did my research.
It would be a good idea to check it out for yourself.

Number of posts : 17944
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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