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Post  Ev Sun 23 Aug - 8:45

Many thanks to Julie Cardon for showing me this old cup and letting us use her photo cheers

I have a memory that this is a Breakfast Cup and I did add that info to the photo from the Auckland Museum records.  Julie has pointed out that it is bigger than the South Pacific cups.

This is in the 'Checked' pattern which usually has a South Pacific cup and Julie has pointed out that there are bigger 'Checked' saucers which fit this cup size.

It is the unusual handle shape that matches the old records...

Shape 832 cup.  New Shape !!!!!!!! 83211

Brilliant !!  Awesome !!  Bravo !!  

Shape 832 cup.  New Shape !!!!!!!! 83210

Number of posts : 17911
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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