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Help identifying mark on lidded pot...?

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Help identifying mark on lidded pot...? Empty Help identifying mark on lidded pot...?

Post  zcm Sat 5 Sep - 12:30

Hi - It would be great if anyone can help identify the mark on this pot found deep in my mother's cupboards. She collected pottery from the UK and NZ (as well as making some of her own), so it's likely it's either a UK potter from the 50s or earlier, or NZ from the 70s onwards. Many thanks!

Help identifying mark on lidded pot...? Img_6913
Help identifying mark on lidded pot...? Img_6912


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2020-09-05

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Help identifying mark on lidded pot...? Empty Re: Help identifying mark on lidded pot...?

Post  chef Sun 6 Sep - 11:21

Could be Harry & May Davis either Crowan pottery Cornwall UK or Crewenna Pottery Nelson NZ


Number of posts : 52
Registration date : 2010-09-24

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Help identifying mark on lidded pot...? Empty Re: Help identifying mark on lidded pot...?

Post  zcm Mon 7 Sep - 18:22

Ah - I think you're right - my mother lived in St Ives and had a pottery gallery around the same time that Crowan Pottery was in Cornwall, so very likely this pot is from that era. They might have even met! Thanks very much, appreciate it.


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2020-09-05

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