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Te Maori Bowl by Louise Pickford and Noel Watson

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Te Maori Bowl by Louise Pickford and Noel Watson Empty Te Maori Bowl by Louise Pickford and Noel Watson

Post  Ev Tue 29 Sep - 10:06

Fabulous Louise Pickford and Noel Watson Te Maori bowl.
I was delighted to find this bowl, then it went elsewhere, but it quickly came back to me. Thank you to everyone involved.

I've long admired this work and wanted to know more about it also I wanted to check out if it was hand made or slipcast and to see what clay was used.

This bowl has been made on the wheel by Noel Watson. Louise carved and decorated their work and Noel glazed and fired them. They made glorious slab vases too.
This ware was made during the 1980's at Opotiki.

Te Maori Bowl by Louise Pickford and Noel Watson Te_mao10

Te Maori Bowl by Louise Pickford and Noel Watson Te_mao11

Te Maori Bowl by Louise Pickford and Noel Watson Te_mao12

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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