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'TM' or 'MT' Empty 'TM' or 'MT'

Post  rhondaclifton Sat 17 Oct - 14:07

I'm wondering is this piece is by a New Zealand potter.  Although I'm the other side of the ditch, I do seem to come across a lot of NZ pottery over here.

'TM' or 'MT' 11981210
'TM' or 'MT' 11981211
'TM' or 'MT' 11981212


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2020-10-17

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'TM' or 'MT' Empty Re: 'TM' or 'MT'

Post  Ev Sat 17 Oct - 14:32

That is a beautiful pot, but I have never seen that mark before.

I found a similar mark on the Ceramics Association of NZ, but I'm not familiar with the work of Mari Tothill so cannot confirm it is hers.

There is a great site for Australian potter's marks, but it's a slow process to see the marks -

Good luck.


Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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'TM' or 'MT' Empty Re: 'TM' or 'MT'

Post  rhondaclifton Sat 17 Oct - 14:38

Thank you for that quick response. The mark does look similar, so I'll have a bit of a scrounge to see if I can find any of her work.

Regarding the Australian Potters Marks site, I am very much aware of it (been a member for about 14-15 years). I also posted on the Australian Studio Pottery Collectors FB page, but apart from a lot of 'likes', etc., no joy on an id.

And thank you for the compliment on my pot.


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2020-10-17

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'TM' or 'MT' Empty

Post  Gillian Gaskell Wed 11 Nov - 22:01

Somewhere I have seen this belonging to Mike Trubridge.

Gillian Gaskell

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'TM' or 'MT' Empty Re: 'TM' or 'MT'

Post  rhondaclifton Wed 11 Nov - 22:33

Unfortunately, I don't think it is Mike Trubridge. I checked his mark on another site, and he has what appears to be a double 'M', whereas mine is a single 'M'.

But I so thank you for your response. I will eventually find out the 'who dun it' bit.


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2020-10-17

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