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"what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery

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"what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery Empty "what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 23 Aug - 18:04

Yesterday was the opening at Catherine and Brendan Adams' Front Room Gallery, with work from "The Four Leos":

Brendan Adams
Suzy Dunser
Renton Murray and
Nadine Spalter

photos in no particular order
"what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery Fr110
"what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery Fr210
"what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery Fr310
"what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery Fr410
"what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery Fr510
"what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery Fr610

The exhibition runs until August 30th at 300 Pt Chevalier Road
wed-sun 10-4

I bought pieces by Renton and Brendan.

I will post the fliers when Nicole shows me how to scan them.

The following exhibition, starting September 27th is
"Different Strokes"
Steve Aitken
Graham Storm
Mark Goody
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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"what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery Empty Re: "what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery

Post  Maryr Mon 24 Aug - 8:04

Thanks for this Jeremy. Lovely. Ceramics can be art, for sure.

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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"what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery Empty Re: "what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery

Post  teaandcoffee Mon 24 Aug - 13:59

Those Murray Hillside Pottery salt glazes are to die for. The blue lidded pots would be my choice (I suspect they already have a sold sticker on them).


Number of posts : 332
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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"what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery Empty Re: "what's new under the sun" at the Front Room Gallery

Post  Jeremy Ashford Mon 24 Aug - 14:51

Not so (re red spots), t&c, and if they did not sell yesterday afternoon they will certainly be available until Wednesday when the gallery reopens.

The mugs were remarkably cheap at $30 and $35 considering the quality of the work and the reputation of the potter. I only bought the smaller size because it better suited my needs.

Renton talked me through the processes involved in forming the pleated pots (four pleats evenly spaced around the circumference) but I must admit I did not follow every word. It sounded as though he was very pleased with the results.

He described the glazes to me, wrt the mugs. The main blue, as you would likely expect, is cobalt but I think he said there was some chromium involved as well. Mugs are differently coloured inside, but I can't remember whether the pots were the same.

I was tempted myself by both colour and shape but stuck with the program I have set myself of being primarily a mug collector.

I am afraid that I did not note the prices or take a copy of the list but whatever they cost I am sure they will be a bargain.

Contact through the website I guess.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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