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Post  mumof1 Mon 14 Dec - 13:51

Melanie Drury Dsc09210
I was fortunate to meet Melanie Drury yesterday, and we had a good chat, but not as long as I would have liked as it was raining and suddenly cold, and I had left home dressed for summer, and was uncomfortably wet. I was also worried about the camera in the rain, so have a quick couple of shots of her mark, with little jugs in the background. Note the little raised circle under the handle - she does this on all jugs and cups, so if you find a piece with this and it is unsigned, then she said you can be sure it will be hers. She is better known in some circles for writing children's books, see here
Melanie Drury Dsc09211
Another varient of her mark. She also said that sometimes she used to simply sign Melanie.

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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