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Blue Willow on another shape !!
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Blue Willow on another shape !!
This pattern is on the Classique Shape 3061 cup and is the same as the Brown Willow.
I'm sure I've come across this recently in my research and will try to find it to see if it has been named.
I paired it up with a Blue Willow d254 saucer, which is from the same time, but the colours are too dark.
The base has the Made In New Zealand in a circle stamp that Val Monk says is from the 1970's, however this cup shape was first made in July 1982. I think it's an odd stamp for a cup!
I'm sure I've come across this recently in my research and will try to find it to see if it has been named.
I paired it up with a Blue Willow d254 saucer, which is from the same time, but the colours are too dark.
The base has the Made In New Zealand in a circle stamp that Val Monk says is from the 1970's, however this cup shape was first made in July 1982. I think it's an odd stamp for a cup!
Re: Blue Willow on another shape !!
Bordered Willow its called here but I don't remember where I got that name from Ev.
Kat & Co.- Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03
Re: Blue Willow on another shape !!
That was a name that you came up with Kat, as that is the 'other' Classique Blue Willow d254 shape. It's so hard for me to follow all of these different shapes and patterns that popped up in the 1980's !!!
Kat & Co.- Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03
Re: Blue Willow on another shape !!
Where does the Blue Willow D325 fit into this? It looks the same as D254, but is much darker.
mumof1- Admin
- Number of posts : 2372
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21
Re: Blue Willow on another shape !!
d325 is on the Rimmed Shape ....
NEW ZEALAND POTTERY :: Crown Lynn :: Crown Lynn Tableware Patterns :: Crown Lynn Tableware Patterns with No Names
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