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» Name this plate
Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. EmptyYesterday at 8:44 by Ev

» Name this plate
Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. EmptyTue 5 Nov - 17:13 by Shirley Wells

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Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. EmptyTue 5 Nov - 15:15 by Ev

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Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. EmptyTue 5 Nov - 15:09 by Ev

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Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. EmptyTue 5 Nov - 14:10 by Ev

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Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. EmptySun 3 Nov - 22:28 by MargaretB

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Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. EmptySun 3 Nov - 8:25 by Ev

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Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. EmptySat 2 Nov - 17:23 by JanPots

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Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. EmptySat 2 Nov - 14:04 by Dan

Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn? Yes it is.

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Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. Empty Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn? Yes it is.

Post  Giselle Sat 28 Oct - 20:27

Is this Crown Lynn ?
Stamp says "Flair Art Pottery New Zealand "
Would anybody know the value of it,  the vInquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. 20231011
Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. 20231010
ase has got no chips or cracks.
Thank you


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2023-10-28

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Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. Empty Re: Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn? Yes it is.

Post  Ev Sun 29 Oct - 6:40

Hi there, yes Flair Art Pottery is a brand name that Crown Lynn used and that number and shape correspond to the Crown Lynn records.

Sorry not sure what it's value is, but I'm sure you will be able to sell it.


Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn?  Yes it is. Empty Re: Inquiry, Is Flair Art Pottery Crown Lynn? Yes it is.

Post  Giselle Sun 29 Oct - 8:43

Thank you😊


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2023-10-28

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